Friday, 12 December 2014

Philip Cottrell Gibraltar Ask What to Do with Your Old Blog Content

Well, you always want to remain your blog fresh and readable either you are active or not. You want to entertain your reader with lots of article post in which you impress them through beautiful picture gallery and video collection. But Philip Cottrell Gibraltar asks you what to do when something goes tedious and you feel your blog is getting obsolete to them; then what to do with your old blog content. A blogger can tweak something fresh and new on their old blog content according to time change.

Perfect timing, as the fall air turns cooler; autumn is a great time of year to repurpose an article that compares old content to seasoned firewood.

1. Archived Blog Posts

Whatever topics your blog cover keeps them fresh as per season demands. The information is something people are always interested in, and will likely be 20 years from now. Topics like online marketing, food, and movies are just a few examples of these topics. You will get a quick and easy burst of heat with these posts, but they will burn out quickly.

2. Infographic
Infographic uses are hot pieces of content right now on blog. Many content creators are getting really good at creating infographic and using them effectively enhances views and attraction. Philip Cottrell Spain suggests that Infographic can get better with age as long as you consider the copy content to be the most important aspect-not the design. 

3. Videos
The videos that age the best are normally short in length, yet provide entertainment along with enlightenment. There are some who prefer videos to reading text, and you can keep them happy by providing brief videos that summarize your text posts. You could post these on your YouTube channel months after the text version is published.

4. Wrapping Up
One traditional proverb says, “Old wood burns best” And old blog posts properly seasoned offer toasty blog content. Today, we have a lot option to read but everyone with a fireplace knows that the "seasoned" firewood burns cleaner and faster than new, or "green" firewood. Take the matter in fresh format and present to the audience with new booklet which give useful information.

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